Plant Nutrients and Food Quality

The research group in Plant Nutrients and Food Quality bridges plant and food science using advanced analytical chemistry.

Food quality is a complex trait covering a wide array of characteristics including nutrient content and bioavailability, protein level, amino acid composition and the presence of potentially toxic compounds such as heavy metals. We develop analytical methods that enable us to investigate key factors controlling the quality of plant based food and feed. Our goal is to provide new knowledge and recommendations regarding sustainable and resource efficient plant production that simultaneously delivers safe, authentic and nutritious food.























































International collaboration

National collaboration

Collaboration at University of Copenhagen

We offer workshops and presentations to external stakeholders on plant nutrients, food quality and analytical chemistry. Contact Kristian Holst Laursen ( for further information.







Group members

Navn Titel Telefon E-mail
Anja Hecht Ivø Laboratoriekoordinator +4535333292 E-mail
Dorthe Horn Larsen Postdoc +4535327751 E-mail
Frederikke Neergaard Mikkelsted Erhvervs-ph.d. +4535334711 E-mail
Jens Axel Knuhtsen Ph.d.-stipendiat +4535328733 E-mail
Kristian Holst Laursen Lektor - forfremmelsesprogrammet +4535333728 E-mail

Research group leader

Kristian Holst Laursen
Assistant Professor
+45 35 33 37 28