Plant Pathology and Microbiology

The group gathers PLEN expertise in mycology, plant molecular biology and plant pathology, and boasts a unique position for Denmark in basic and applied science of plant-microbe interactions.

Fungal interactions range from beneficial to pathogenic. We study plant defences and endophytic fungal interactions. We wish to exploit fungal antagonists for biological control and stress amelioration in agricultural systems, to define and understand principles in crop protection and input to the development of transgenic disease resistance.

We combine genomics and transcriptomics assays and reporter gene technologies with advanced chemical analyses. We employ innovative isolation procedures to obtain microorganisms with optimal performance in different plant environments.














  • BestPass is an Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 676480. The project produces knowledge about the use of endophytes to improve plant productivity in a sustainability way.
  • CerealPath: a doctoral programme delivering integrated, innovative, structured training in cereal disease control










The group has established close collaborations with other leading PLEN research groups in biochemistry and plant science, and has an extensive international network, especially through leading and participating in two European programmes, namely the Marie Curie Early Training Networks (ETN), BestPass and CerealPath, respectively.





Group members

Navn Titel Telefon E-mail
Anna Streubel Videnskabelig assistent +4535326674 E-mail
Arianna Petrucci Indskrevet ph.d.-studerende   E-mail
Birgit Jensen Lektor +4535333334 E-mail
David B. Collinge Professor +4535333356 E-mail
Eva Oros Laborant +4535323868 E-mail
Hans Jørgen Lyngs Jørgensen Lektor +4535333775 E-mail

Master students

Research group leader

David B. Collinge
+45 35 33 33 56