Soil Fertility

The research group focuses on soil fertility in agriculture, situated in the nexus of three main research topics: promoting circularity through resource recycling, appropriate nutrient management and reducing environmental impacts in agriculture.

Several different strategies for improving nutrient management and soil fertility are investigated including catch crops, green manures, organic fertilizers and other soil amendments. Investigations into how agricultural production systems can become more circular revolve around recycling of nutrients through novel bio-based fertilizers from waste of rural, urban and industrial origin. The effect of these and other strategies on crop production and the environmental impacts of greenhouse gas and nutrient emissions are assessed.

Our research involves assessment of plant and soil responses to environmental factors and management changes, applying a range of methods from lab to field-scale, including isotope techniques and gaseous emission methods, as well as soil chemical, nutrient availability and microbial measurements. Facilities also include two long-term fertilization trials. The results are interpreted using advanced mechanistic modelling and life cycle assessment of environmental impacts.   















Group members

Navn Titel Telefon E-mail
Azeem Tariq Adjunkt +4535324112 E-mail
Dorette Sophie Müller-Stöver Lektor +4535331236 E-mail
Jakob Magid Lektor +4535333491 E-mail
Jannie Margrethe Jessen Laborant +4535326060 E-mail
Lars Stoumann Jensen Professor +4535333470 E-mail
Line Vinther Hansen Postdoc +4535334484 E-mail
Lærke Wester Larsen Postdoc +4535334830 E-mail
Sander Bruun Professor +4535333481 E-mail
Tine Engedal Postdoc +4542592702 E-mail
Tomke Susanne Wacker Postdoc   E-mail
Veronika Hansen Tenure Track Adjunkt +4535331397 E-mail

Research group leader

Sander Bruun
Associate Professor
+45 35 33 34 81