Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology

  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    Impacts of dietary copper on the swine gut microbiome and antibiotic resistome

    Brinck, J. E., Lassen, Simon Bo, Forouzandeh, A., Pan, T., Wang, Y. Z., Monteiro, A., Blavi, L., Solà-Oriol, D., Stein, H. H., Su, J. Q. & Brandt, Kristian Koefoed, 2023, I: Science of the Total Environment. 857, 11 s., 159609.

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  3. Udgivet

    Insights into abundance, adaptation and activity of prokaryotes in arctic and Antarctic environments

    Holmberg, S. M. & Jørgensen, Niels O. G., 2023, I: Polar Biology. 46, s. 381-396

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  4. Udgivet

    Insights on strain 115 plant growth-promoting bacteria traits and its contribution in lead stress alleviation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants

    Chamekh, Anissa, Kharbech, O., Fersi, C., Driss Limam, R., Brandt, Kristian Koefoed, Djebali, W. & Chouari, R., 2023, I: Archives of Microbiology. 205, 12 s., 1.

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  5. Udgivet

    Intestinal epigenotype of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) associates with tenacibaculosis and gut microbiota composition

    Hansen, Søren Blikdal, Bozzi, D., Mak, Sarah Siu Tze, Clausen, C. G., Nielsen, Tue Kjærgaard, Kodama, M., Hansen, Lars Hestbjerg, Gilbert, M Thomas P & Limborg, Morten Tønsberg, 2023, I: Genomics. 115, 3, 9 s., 110629.

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  6. Udgivet

    Isothiazolinone inhibition of soil microbial activity persists despite biocide dissipation

    Fernández-Calviño, D., Rousk, J., Bååth, E., Bollmann, U. E., Bester, K. & Brandt, Kristian Koefoed, 2023, I: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 178, 9 s., 108957.

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  7. Udgivet

    Limited impacts of high doses of dietary copper on the gut bacterial metal resistome explain negligible co-selection of antibiotic resistance

    Forouzandeh, A., Lassen, Simon Bo, Brinck, J. E., Zhou, Y. Y., Zhu, J., Solà-Oriol, D., Monteiro, A., Hao, X., Su, J. Q., Stein, H. H., Pérez, J. F. & Brandt, Kristian Koefoed, 2023, I: Science of the Total Environment. 889, 11 s., 164183.

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  8. Udgivet

    Pheno- and Genotyping of Three Novel Bacteriophage Genera That Target a Wheat Phyllosphere Sphingomonas Genus

    Riber, Leise, Carstens, Alexander Byth, Dougherty, Peter Erdmann, Roy, C., Willenbücher, K., Hille, F., Franz, C. M. A. P. & Hansen, Lars Hestbjerg, 2023, I: Microorganisms. 11, 7, 17 s., 1831.

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  9. Udgivet

    Phenotypic variation and genomic variation in insect virulence traits reveal patterns of intraspecific diversity in a locust-specific fungal pathogen

    mbs625, mbs625, Meyling, Nicolai Vitt & de Fine Licht, Henrik Hjarvard, 2023, I: Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 36, 10, s. 1438-1454 17 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Plant disease management in the post-genomic era: from functional genomics to genome editing, Volume II: Editorial

    Sarrocco, S., Herrera-Estrella, A. & Collinge, David B., 2023, I: Frontiers in Microbiology. 14, 3 s., 1203870.

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  11. Udgivet

    Potential sources and producers of 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin in a river supplying a drinking water treatment plant

    Franklin, H. M., Podduturi, Raju, Jørgensen, Niels O. G., Roberts, D. T., Schlüter, L. & Burford, M. A., 2023, I: Chemical Engineering Journal Advances. 14, 12 s., 100455.

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