
The Agrohydrology group deals with soil physics and environmental biophysics including the microclimate of plants.

Our main focus is agro-ecosystems, and we work for a sustainable agriculture. We strive to understand and quantify states and processes through observations in field and laboratory combined with mathematical modelling using the Daisy model.









  • RainProof: Digital water protection advisory tool for drained soils
  • Healthy soil - crop security and yield: Protection of soil fertility through proper soil management
  • COMMIT: Soil compaction mitigation for productivity and sustainability. Special attention on crop water use, drainage and long term effects on nitrogen turnover.
  • Green fields and strong roots: Investigations of cropping systems with special attention on Conservation Agriculture: yield, production economy, leaching (nitrate, pesticides), carbon storage
  • Future Cropping: Two work packages (wp2: Assessment of effects and wp4: Intelligent soil tillage and crop establishment). Focus is on concrete solutions and new technologies.
  • Modelling pesticide leaching to drain lines: effect of application timing and tillage (PhD project)
  • Up scaled modelling of pesticide leaching on drained soils in northwest Europe: calibration, validation and improvement of the Daisy model. (PhD project)
  • Drainage and Plant Production: Growth, resource utilization and yields under different and fluctuating groundwater depths.
  • Impact of Diverse Production Systems on Yield Stability and Environmental Adaptability of Wheat and Barley: A Study Based on Long-Term Field Experiments
  • Nitrogen Sensor for Soil Sustainability

























Group members

Navn Titel Telefon E-mail
Anja Weibel Laborant +4535333476 E-mail
Maja Holbak Specialkonsulent E-mail
Per Abrahamsen Specialkonsulent +4535333393 E-mail
Simon Fiil Svane Adjunkt +4535321582 E-mail