Secondary cell wall patterning-connecting the dots, pits and helices

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  • Huizhen Xu
  • Alessandro Giannetti
  • Yuki Sugiyama
  • Wenna Zheng
  • Rene Schneider
  • Yoichiro Watanabe
  • Yoshihisa Oda
  • Persson, Staffan

All plant cells are encased in primary cell walls that determine plant morphology, but also protect the cells against the environment. Certain cells also produce a secondary wall that supports mechanically demanding processes, such as maintaining plant body stature and water transport inside plants. Both these walls are primarily composed of polysaccharides that are arranged in certain patterns to support cell functions. A key requisite for patterned cell walls is the arrangement of cortical microtubules that may direct the delivery of wall polymers and/or cell wall producing enzymes to certain plasma membrane locations. Microtubules also steer the synthesis of cellulose-the load-bearing structure in cell walls-at the plasma membrane. The organization and behaviour of the microtubule array are thus of fundamental importance to cell wall patterns. These aspects are controlled by the coordinated effort of small GTPases that probably coordinate a Turing's reaction-diffusion mechanism to drive microtubule patterns. Here, we give an overview on how wall patterns form in the water-transporting xylem vessels of plants. We discuss systems that have been used to dissect mechanisms that underpin the xylem wall patterns, emphasizing the VND6 and VND7 inducible systems, and outline challenges that lay ahead in this field.

TidsskriftOpen Biology
Udgave nummer5
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
S.P. acknowledges funding from ARC DP grant (DP190101941), and Villum Investigator (Project ID: 25915), Novo Nordisk Laureate (NNF19OC0056076) and DNRF Chair (DNRF1055) grants. R.S. is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), project number 453188536. H.X. was supported by a University of Melbourne research scholarship. A.G. is funded by Villum Investigators grant. Y.S. was supported by an overseas research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Y.W. was supported b6y JSPS Kakenhi grant (no. 19K16168). Y.O. was supported by JSPS Kakenhi grant (no. 21H02514) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Kakenhi grant (no. 19H05677).

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© 2022 Royal Society Publishing. All rights reserved.

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