Linking of Chemical and Toxicological Fingerprints: A new method to prioritize monitoring and regulation of pollutants in water.

Only a fraction of the toxicity (1-5%) of whole wastewater samples can be explained by standard monitored chemicals. VANDALF will develop and implement an innovative toxicology-driven risk assessment platform to identify Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) in wastewater. With this it will be possible to focus monitoring programs, remediation strategies and regulatory measures on the chemicals causing the remaining 95-99% of toxicity in effluent water.









































Internal participants

Name Title Phone E-mail
Giorgio Tomasi Associate Professor +4535320406 E-mail
Jan H. Christensen Professor +4535332456 E-mail
Majbrit Hansen Dela Cruz Special Consultant +4535333852 E-mail
Nikoline Juul Nielsen Associate Professor +4535332344 E-mail
Nina Cedergreen Professor +4535333397 E-mail
Peter Engelund Holm Professor +4535332414 E-mail
Selina Kornelia Tisler Assistant Professor +4535334863 E-mail