Sustainable Drug Discovery Network

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

Birger Lindberg Møller - Participant

Sustainable Drug Discovery Network Meetings at different faculties at UCPH to spur interdisciplinary collaboration and foster green transition funding applications. Focus topics: 1. How do we prepare for the unknown (multi-drug resistance, pandemic preparedness, push-pull)? 2. How can we advance sustainable lifestyle (One Health, equality in green transition and drug design)? 3. Which technologies aid green transition and how do they affect humans? 4.How can we sustainably develop Nature’s treasure chest (high-value compound discovery, indigenous rights, benefit-sharing, biopiracy)? 5.How do we build a green production and waste-conscious paradigm of benign-by-design medicinal compounds? Bringing together legal scholars, ethicists, anthropologists, plant biochemists, analytical chemists, socioeconomic scholars, public health reseachers
2022 → …


SeminarSustainable Drug Discovery Network
Period01/01/2022 → …

ID: 334091182