Enzyme Complexes in Cytochrome P450 Catalyzed Pathways for Synthesis of Plant Natural Products (Brisbane, Australia)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Birger Lindberg Møller - Invited speaker

Plants are sessile organisms surviving by producing numerous bioactive natural products. Many of the pathways involved in their formation includes cytochrome P450 catalyzed steps. But how do plants orchestrate the formation of the compounds which meet their demands? Formation of enzyme complexes guiding channelled synthesis is one way. Such transient enzyme complexes may now be isolated using styrene-maleic acid based polymers and their constituents defined. In some cases the concentrations stored are very high like the vanillin in phenyloplasts in the vanilla pod. Deep eutectic solvents may provide the answer. A long term aim is to direct the synthesis of high value compounds into the chloroplast to obtain production systems based on sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air. Examples within these research areas will be presented.
22 May 2018

External organisation

NameQueensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), The University of Queensland, Health and Food Sciences Precinct, Cooper Plains, QLD 4108, Australia.

ID: 214400072