Molecular Plant Physiology and Plant Phenomics

We functionally address the role of source-sink relations and assimilate partitioning for key yield related processes, ranging from plant growth and development to abiotic stress responses and beneficial and pathogenic microbial interactions in model and crops plants.

Molecular, biochemical and cell-physiological approaches are combined with non-invasive high-throughput phenotyping techniques to elucidate the underlying physiological mechanisms and regulatory networks and to establish cost efficient and robust predictors for yield and quality. This integrative and multidimensional phenomics approach aims to contribute both to a better basic understanding of the interactions of genotypes with their complex multifactorial environment and applications in breeding and crop management.













Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Ajay Madhusudan Sorty Postdoc +4535323802 E-mail
Anna Christensen Research Assistant +4535324786 E-mail
Chandana Pandey Assistant Professor +4535336268 E-mail
Manzur-E-Mohsina Ferdous PhD Fellow E-mail
Valentina Travaglia Research Assistant +4535336112 E-mail
Wenjing Tian PhD Student E-mail

Master students

Sofie Holmgaard Tidsvilde, Msc thesis student

Bachelor students

Oline Rønne Christensen, Bsc thesis student

Contact research group leader

Thomas Georg Roitsch
Ph: +45 35 33 15 26