Cell Communication

Our work is focusing on the biology of communication in higher plants which coordinates growth and development and allows adjustments to biotic and abiotic stress.

There are two alternative pathways for cell communication across the cell wall:

  • Indirect contact across the plasma membrane, where it is controlled by channels, transporters and receptors on either side
  • Direct contact via plasmodesmata, where it is controlled by plasmodesmal proteins and the endoplasmic reticulum. 
  • For long-distance communication, the plant utilises a special tissue (phloem).

We pursue our research using advanced and cutting edge microscopy, such as present in the Center for Advanced Bioimaging (CAB), and physiological and biochemical approaches, including nanosensors.

We are moreover involved in uncovering dynamic molecular interactions such as protein-protein interactions in the DNRF center DynaMo.











  • Multimodal imaging and modelling of vascular flows in leaves: Identification of vascular control points and to modelling of water partitioning in response to environmental changes (together with Prof. Tomas Bohr, DTU
  • DynaMo: Dynamics of molecular processes that enable a plant to coordinate growth and survival in the everchanging environment
  • NordPlant: A climate and plant phenomics hub for sustainable agriculture and forest production in future nordic climates













Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Alexander Schulz Professor +4535333350 E-mail
Catherine S. Nielsen Laboratory Technician +4535332594 E-mail
Chandana Pandey Assistant Professor +4535336268 E-mail
Niels Christian Holm Sanden Historical Employment +4535326621 E-mail
Sebastian J Kjeldgaard-Nintemann Special Consultant +4535331981 E-mail

Master students

Research Group Leader

Alexander Schulz
+45 35 33 33 50