Sustainable management of agriculture sources for development of climate-smart agricultural practices (AgPro4CSA)

Sustainable agriculture systems are threatened by the long-term monoculture of annual crops and the excessive use of mineral fertilizers. Such practices increase greenhouse gas emissions. Diversification of agricultural systems and recycling of crop residues emerge as solutions for sustainable agroecosystems that meet the needs of food security and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

In addition, the use of crop residues in the bioenergy sector is debated as a solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The EU-funded AgPro4CSA project will develop advanced agricultural management patterns that increase the recycling of crop residues and reduce the use of mineral fertilizers. It will provide a fundamental understanding of mechanisms affecting the nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural systems.


AgPro4CSA will address four Research Themes/work packages. The experimental Tasks within each Research Theme will contribute to answer the specific Research Questions. 

  • Changes in the composition of soil nitrifiers and denitrifiers microbial communities

  • Relationship between soil O2 and pH dynamics and soil microbial processes

  • Interactions among GHG emissions and soil chemical and microbial changes

  • Development of climate-smart agricultural practices through modeling



Azeem Tariq, Nicole Menheere, Yuanpei Gao, Shannon Brown, Laura L. Van Eerd, John D. Lauzon, Sander Bruun, Claudia Wagner-Riddle (2024).
ncreased N2O emissions by cover crops in a diverse crop rotation can be mediated with dual nitrification and urease inhibitors, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 374. Link








Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Azeem Tariq Assistant Professor +4535324112 E-mail
Sander Bruun Professor +4535333481 E-mail

Funded by:

This project has been funded by Horizon Europe - Marie Cure Actions 2020-2026


Azeem Tariq
Phone: +4535324112

External members:

Name Title E-mail
Claudia Wagner-Riddle (Professor), University of Guelph, Canada
Kari Dunfield (Professor), University of Guelph, Canada
Ward Smith (Scientist - Agroecosystem Modelling), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada