ESR-1 presentation at the annual congress of the Dutch association of technology in agriculture (NVTL)
By Jihane El Mahdi, ESR 1

ESR-1 Jihane EL Mahdi presenting results from her PhD in the annual congress of NVTL (Dutch association of technology in agriculture). January 31st 2023.
On the 31st of January, 2023, the annual congress of NVTL took place in Wageningen university campus, under the theme ”Zero emission, what can we achieve in 10 years”. ESR-1, Jihane EL Mahdi, presented results from her work in the livestock session of this congress.
The presentation aimed to dessiminate results from Jihane's PhD work about the use of an integrated system to manage dairy manure. The objective of the presented research was to see if an integrated system looking to reduce emissions of ammonia and GHG, improve the fertlizing value, and minimize energy use could reduce pollution swapping from the manure management chain.
The research, that used a series of lab experiments, resulted in promising results as the integrated system was found to reduce all emissions simultaneously, and increase fertlizing value considerably. Jihane also reserved some time in the presentation to talk about possible practical implications of the results, and the main challenges to use these results in practice, which could be addressed with technology. The presentation was given in presence of professionals, academic and journalists from the field of technology in agriculture, which made it a rich ground to discuss practical implications, challenges, and future research.