Decoding the Rhizobiota Interactome for Improved Crop Resilience (INTERACT)
INTERACT is a project under the Collaborative Crop Resiliency Program (CCRP), together with the projects MATRIX and InRoot, all funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The INTERACT project will strive to unlock the enormous biotechnological potential of microbes, leading to sustainable crop productions systems.
The overall aim of the project is to decode microbial interactions in the complex soil matrix, in relation to soil biogeochemical status, water stress as well as pathogen attack, and establish the impact of these interactions on plant performance.
INTERACT will focus on the essential and mutually beneficial interactions between plants and microbes below ground. This project will go beyond a mere inventory of wheat plant microbiome community members, and will provide much needed insight into rhizosphere ecology and microbial communication, with a goal of establishing diagnostic chemical/biological signatures for agro-system stability. With this knowledge, we can rationally and strategically manipulate plant-associated microbial communities to support high plant productivity across challenging climatic and stress scenarios. These critical advances in our understanding of rhizosphere community structure and the chemical landscape that influences its formation and function will be achieved by using genomics, transcriptomics, metaproteomics, metabolomics, in-field and greenhouse plant phenotyping, and network analysis/model construction for evaluating rhizosphere interactions for wheat.
INTERACT will address four Research Themes). The experimental Tasks within each Research Theme will contribute to answer the Research Questions raised in our application.
Research Theme 1: Indicator metabolites and microorganisms in relation to plant performance
Research Theme Lead: Amy Grunden (NCSU); Co-lead: Lars Stoumann Jensen (UCPH)
Research Theme 2: Isolation and metabolic profiling of rhizosphere microorganisms
Research Theme Lead: Carsten Suhr Jacobsen (AU); Co-leads: Mette Haubjerg Nicolaisen (UCPH), Oliver Baars (NCSU), Jens Frisvad (DTU)
Research Theme 3: Mechanistic understanding of signaling events driving microbiome assembly
Research Theme Lead: Mette H. Nicolaisen (AU); Co-leads: Ákos Kovács (DTU), Anne Winding (AU)
Research Theme 4: Development of models predictive for plant resiliency
Research Theme Lead: Bjarne Ersbøll (DTU); Co-leads: Lars Stoumann Jensen (UCPH), Ignazio Carbone (NCSU)
- Ahmad J, Zervas A, Ellegaard-Jensen L, Hennessy RC, Carbone I, Cornish V, Müller-Stöver DS, Grunden A, Jacobsen CS, Nicolaisen MH. (2022) Microbial diversity in four rhizocompartments (bulk soil, rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endosphere) of four winter wheat varieties at the fully emerged flag leaf growth stage. Microbiol Resour Announc. In Press.
- Athanasios Zervas, Lea Ellegaard-Jensen, Rosanna C. Hennessy, Frederik Bak, Ying Guan, Courtney Horn Herms, Kitzia Yashvelt Molina Zamudio, Dorthe Thybo Ganzhorn, Dorette Sophie Müller-Stöver, Jabeen Ahmad, Amy Grunden, Carsten S. Jacobsen, Mette Haubjerg Nicolaisen (2022) Diversity and Structure of Bacterial Communities in Different Rhizocompartments (Rhizoplane, Rhizosphere, and Bulk) at Flag Leaf Emergence in Four Winter Wheat Varieties. American Society for Microbiology, Vol 11(5).
- Salvato F, Vintila S, Finkel OM, Dangl J, and Kleiner M (2022) Evaluation of protein extraction methods for metaproteomic analyses of root-associated microbes. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.
- Nordgaard M, Blake C, Maróti G, Strube ML, Kovács ÁT (2022) Experimental evolution of Bacillus subtilis on Arabidopsis thaliana roots reveals fast adaptation and improved root colonization. iScience 25(6): 104406 (
- Nunes I, Hansen V, Bak F, Bonnichsen L, Su J, Hao X, Raymond NS, Nicolaisen MH, Jensen LS, Nybroe O (2022) Succession of the wheat seed-associated microbiome as affected by soil fertility level and introduction of Penicillium and Bacillus inoculants in the field. FEMS microbiology ecology, Volume 98, Issue 3, March 2022, fiac028,
- Courtney Horn Herms , Rosanna Catherine Hennessy , Frederik Bak , Dorte Bodin Dresbøll and Mette Haubjerg Nicolaisen (2022). Minireview - Back to our roots: exploring the role of root morphology as a mediator of beneficial plant–microbe interactions. Environmental Biology. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15926.
- Wagner, M. R., C. Tang, F. Salvato, K. M. Clouse, A. Bartlett, S. Sermons, M. Hoffmann, P. J. Balint-Kurti and M. Kleiner (2021). Microbe-dependent heterosis in maize. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(30): e2021965118.
- Visagie, C.M., Frisvad, J.C., Visagie, A., Houbraken, J., Seifert, K.A., Samson, R.A., Jacobs, K. (2021). A re-evaluation of Penicillium section Canescentia, including the description of five new species. Persoonia 46: 163-187.
doi: 10.3767/persoonia.2021.46.06 - Salvato F, Hettich RL, Kleiner M (2021) Five key aspects of metaproteomics as a tool to understand functional interactions in host-associated microbiomes. PLoS Pathog 17(2): e1009245. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1009245 - Blake C, Nordgaard Christensen M, Kovács ÁT (2020) Molecular aspects of plant growth promotion and protection by Bacillus subtilis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (
- Sun X, Xie J, Zheng D, Wang W, Xia R, Zhang R, Kovács ÁT, Zhihui Xu, Qirong Shen (2022) Keystone species determine the productivity of synthetic microbial biofilm communities. bioRxiv
- Lozano-Andrade CN, Nogueira CG, Wibowo M, Kovács ÁT (2022) Establishment of a transparent soil system to study Bacillus subtilis chemical ecology. bioRxiv
- Manuel Kleiner, Angela Kouris, Marlene Jensen, Yihua Liu, Janine McCalder, and Marc Strous (2021). Ultra-sensitive Protein-SIP to quantify activity and substrate uptake in microbiomes with stable isotopes. Available in bioRxiv. Doi:
- Maggie R. Wagner, Clara Tang, Fernanda Salvato, Kayla M. Clouse, Alexandria Bartlett, Shannon Sermons, Mark Hoffmann, Peter J. Balint-Kurti, Manuel Kleiner (2020). Microbe-dependent heterosis in maize. Available in bioRxiv:
The following partners are involved in the project
- University of Copenhagen
- Aarhus University
- North Carolina State University
- Technical University of Denmark
- National Institute of Agricultural Botany, UK
See below which individual researchers are involved
Photo | Name | Title | Affiliation | |
Mette Haubjerg Nicolaisen | Project Leader, Associate Professor | University of Copenhagen | meni@ |
Lars Stoumann Jensen | Professor | University of Copenhagen | lsj@ |
Dorette Müller-Stöver | Associate Professor | University of Copenhagen | dsst@ |
Rosanna Hennessy | Assistant Professor | University of Copenhagen | hennessy@ |
Klara Cecilia Gunnarsen | Postdoc | University of Copenhagen | kcg@ |
Frederik Bak | Assistant Professor | University of Copenhagen | f.bak@ |
Dorthe Thybo Ganzhorn | Laboratory Coordinator | University of Copenhagen | dtg@ |
Courtney Horn Herms | PhD Student | University of Copenhagen | chh@ |
Jakob Klinge Meier | PhD Student | University of Copenhagen | jakob.klinge@ |
Xingyun Yi | PhD Student | University of Copenhagen | xingyun@ |
Carsten Suhr Jacobsen | Professor | Aarhus University | csj@ |
Anne Winding | Professor | Aarhus University | aw@ |
Peter Stougaard | Professor | Aarhus University | pst@ |
Rumakanta Sapkota | Scientist | Aarhus University | rumakanta.sapkota@ |
Lea Ellegaard-Jensen | Scientist | Aarhus University | leael@ |
Athanasios (Thanassis) Zervas | Assistant Professor |
Aarhus University | az@ |
Christine Lorenzen Elberg | PhD Student | Aarhus University | cle@ |
Julie Egelund Andersen | PhD Student | Aarhus University | jea@ |
Tina Thane | Laboratory Technician | Aarhus University | tth@ |
Tanja Begovic | Laboratory Technician | Aarhus University | tab@ |
Amy Grunden | Professor | North Carolina State University | amgrunde@ |
Ignazio Carbone | Professor | North Carolina State University | icarbon@ |
Marc Cubeta | Professor | North Carolina State University | ||
Manuel Kleiner | Associate Professor | North Carolina State University | mkleine@ |
Clara Tang | PhD Student/Graduate Student | North Carolina State University | cvtang@ |
Juliet Ochola | PhD Student/Graduate Student | North Carolina State University | jaochola@ |
James (Jim) White | Programmer and Bioinformaticist | North Carolina State University | jbwhite2@ |
Jens Christian Frisvad | Professor | Technical University of Denmark | jcf@ |
Ákos T. Kovács | Professor | Leiden University (also affiliated to Technical University of Denmark) | a.t.kovacs@ |
Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll | Professor | Technical University of Denmark | bker@ |
Aaron John C. Andersen | Metabolomics Core Manager | Technical University of Denmark | ajca@ |
Pietro Bortolozzo | IT Specialist & Coordinator | Technical University of Denmark | pbor@ |
Thomas Martini Jørgensen | Senior Researcher | Technical University of Denmark | tmjq |
Lisette Knoth-Nielsen | Laboratory Technician | Technical University of Denmark | lkn@ |
Caja Dinesen | PhD Student | Leiden University (also affiliated to Technical University of Denmark) | cajadin@ |
Adele Pioppi | PhD Student | Leiden University (also affiliated to Technical University of Denmark) | adepio@ |
Manca Vertot | PhD Student | Technical University of Denmark | mavert@ |
Xiangming Xu | Senior Scientist | National Institute of Agricultural Botany, UK | ||
Netsai Mhlanga | Postdoc | National Institute of Agricultural Botany, UK | ||
Affilliated |
Paolina Garbeva | Senior Scientist | The Netherlands Institute of Ecology | P.Garbeva@ |
Efstathios Diamantopoulos | Professor | University of Bayreuth | Efstathios.Diamantopoulos |
Muhammad Zohaib Anwar | Postdoc | University of British Columbia, Vancouver CA (Previously Aarhus University) | ||
Project leader
Mette H. Nicolaisen
Ph: +45 35 33 26 49
Project manager
Kristine Kirkensgaard
Ph: +45 30 69 53 46
This project is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (Grant number: NNF19SA0059360)
Project Start: 1 Oct 2019
Duration: 6 years