27 September 2022

DTU recruits PhD Student Adele Pioppi

New staff

Adele just started in Prof. Ákos Kovács' group. Read about here background and her project here.

PhD Student Adele Pioppi

Photo of Adele Pioppi

During my Msc in Biotechnology I increasingly focused on PGPR, particularly for wheat growth promotion. My PhD will build on the work I started during my Master thesis, which involved an experiment of successive wheat cultivation and rhizosphere reinoculation to establish a wheat growth-promoting community. The aim of my PhD is to develop synthetic microbial communities capable of promoting wheat growth in stress conditions. My contribution to the INTERACT project includes the identification of key bacterial groups for plant resiliency through observations of complex wheat rhizosphere systems, as well as the testing of potential SynComs for wheat in various systems.

Adele started her PhD in INTERACT on 15 September 2022 in Prof. Ákos Kovács'.

Place of employment: Technical University of Denmark, DTU Bioengineering, Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine
