21 October 2022

New Master Student at UCPH

New staff

Jakob Klinge Meier started as Master Student in Associate Prof. Mette Nicolaisen's group. Read about his project here

Master Student Jakob Klinge Meier

Photo of Jakob Klinge MeierDuring my studies I have previously focused on terrestrial ecology and I have an interest in the interactions between organisms, both small and large.
The focus of my thesis will be on the interactions between members of a synthetic community in the wheat rhizosphere that I am creating, and the host plant itself - to an extent. I am planning on investigating community structure and how plant growth is affected by the SynCom, with regards to functional redundancy. Furthermore, if I have the time, I am planning to investigate recruitment of beneficial bacteria during fungal pathogen infection of the wheat plant.

Place of employment: University of Copenhagen, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology.
