7 May 2021

New Master Student at DTU

New Staff

Caja Dinesen is Master Student at DTU. . Caja’s MSc thesis 'Induction of Bacillus subtilis secondary metabolite production by soil community members and root derived signals' is a pre-project for the PhD starting from 1st September within Research Theme 3. Read about her background and project below.

Master Student Caja Dinesen

Photo of Caja DinesenI´m pursuing a master’s in biotechnology at DTU. In my bachelors I studied the influence of a SM producing marine bacteria in a multispecies bacterial community. I have then later shifted my focus to plant-microbe interactions researching the role of Bacillus subtilis Rap-Phr QS system in root colonization. For my thesis I will study how biotic and abiotic factors influence the production of the two antimicrobials surfactin and plipastatin produced by the rhizobacteria B. subtilis.

Place of employment: Technical University of Denmark, DTU Bioengineering, Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine