23 July 2021

Marie Aggerbeck returned after use of travel grant

Research stay

Marie has returned to Denmark after a 4-months stay at NCSU supported by a travel grant from CCRP.

PhD Student Marie Rønne Aggerbeck
PhD Student Marie Rønne Aggerbeck

Marie has returned to Aarhus University (AU) in Denmark after her 4-month stay at North Carolina State University (NCSU), where she was in the laboratory of Assist. Prof. Manuel Kleiner. Working around covid restrictions, she spent her time there optimising protein extraction protocols, learning how to analyse peptide sequences on a mass spectrometer, and prepared samples for metabolite extractions. Marie's exchange has resulted in the extraction of high quality peptide fragments of her 13C-labelled rhizosphere soil. These will be analysed in tandem with metagenomes from the same soil samples, which are currently being constructed. This will continue as a joint effort between NCSU and AU, alongside analysis of the metabolomes obtained from Marie's samples.

On a personal level, being in Raleigh was an incredible experience - alongside the opportunities for networking, working in a different academic environment was eye-opening. Aside from her new aquaintances, Marie very much misses the hiking trails, smoky bbq, and all those Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavours that aren't available in Denmark.

Related news story: Travel grant to Marie Rønne Aggerbeck

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