Synthetic Biology - Let's Collaborate with the Plants!

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Birger Lindberg Møller - Foredragsholder

Cell function is dependent on the coherent interaction of numerous biological building blocks “bio-bricks” each able to perform a specific function. By combining the bio-bricks in new ways or by introducing new bio-bricks, new interconnections may be established resulting in new desired properties of the biological system. This is the essence of synthetic biology: by combining biology and engineering, the principles of nature are used to construct biological systems with new properties. This “share-your-parts-idea” has set the hearts and minds of researchers on fire. Likewise, the “share-your-parts-idea” has given rise to a semi-open approach to knowledge development which has inspired a lot of citizen scientists around the globe to join the movement. This crowd accelerated research is spurred by the new social media which also facilitates development of new business models based on patent pools and community funding such as “Kick-starter”. Open sharing of ideas and knowledge is no longer an utopian scenario. In parallel, the societal and ethical implications of synthetic biology need to be continuously addressed. This is accomplished by establishing synthetic biology research environments where ethics, communication, law and natural science aspects are all given proper upfront attention and made decisive for the research approaches chosen.
But really plants, and not scientists, are at the center of the synthetic biology movement: They can help us think completely out-of-the-box for solutions to the challenges we as a global community are facing in the move to a bio-based society. Plants are world champions in driving complex chemistry with sunlight as the sole energy input and using carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as carbon source. Let's collaborate with the plants!
22 okt. 2013

Begivenhed (Seminar)

TitelLecture Session: Synthetic Biology Goes Green
AfholdelsesstedDTU Innovatorium

ID: 91208408