Postdoc network

The aims of the PLEN Postdoc Network are to help postdocs at PLEN to build social and scientific relationships across sections, provide and share information about career opportunities and development, funding and other matters relevant for postdocs, and organize seminars and talks relevant to postdocs.


Section representatives per November 2024​

​Crop Sciences (CROP) : Lorène Siegwart

Environmental Chemistry and Physics (ECP) : Ewa Makowics

Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology (MEB): Simon Bo Lassen and Asal Forouzandeh

Molecular Plant Biology (PLMOL) : María Luz Annacondia López

Organismal Biology (SOBI): Andi Wilson

Plant and Soil Science (P&S) : Jonathan Hessner Lindhardt

Plant Biochemistry (PBIO): Feiyan Liang and Katharina Vollheyde

Plant Glycobiology (GLYCO): Lise Charlotte Marie Noack

Transport Biology (TRANS) : Guangbin Luo