The PLEN Taastrup Campus Weather Station

Taastrup Weather Station

The Taastrup climate and water balance station (55.670′N, 12.299′E, Google Maps) is operated by the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. The station was renovated in 2014 and is designed to provide data for the calculation of reference evapotranspiration according to the Penman equation, with air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and short-wave and long-wave radiation sensors installed at the height of 2 m above a grass surface equipped with soil heat flux sensors installed 5 cm below the surface. In addition, measurements of diffuse short-wave radiation, incoming ultraviolet and incoming photosynthetic active radiation are available from 2021. Both solid (snow) and liquid (rain) precipitation are measured using weighing gauges installed at 1.5 m and 0 m. A detailed description of the weather station and the equipment used are available on the ERDA platform via the DOI links below. 

Raw data in a 10-minute and hourly form is available for all employees at the department Plant and Environmental Sciences via the I drive folder at I:\SCIENCE-PLEN-Climate_Station (Please note the data have not been validated! The data sets sometimes contain missing data from datalogger breakdowns or during service periods. Furthermore, data from error-prone sensors and data artefacts such as excess precipitation from blowing snow have not been removed)

Validated and gab-filled data is published yearly in January on the ERDA platform with data from the previous season. The data sets are available in daily, hourly or 10-minute time resolutions. A reference metadata file supplements each data set, describing data units, sensor type, logging intervals and quality assurance procedure. Currently, the following versions are available (Please refer to the specific DOI when using the data in your work!)


Below, some examples of the sensors we have installed in our station.

Net Radiometer Wind, temperature, and humidity sensor Precipitation sensor

(click the images above for a full size version)