Slower phloem transport in gymnosperm trees can be attributed to higher sieve element resistance

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In trees, carbohydrates produced in photosynthesizing leaves are transported to roots and other sink organs over distances of up to 100 m inside a specialized transport tissue, the phloem. Angiosperm and gymnosperm trees have a fundamentally different phloem anatomy with respect to cell size, shape and connectivity. Whether these differences have an effect on the physiology of carbohydrate transport, however, is not clear.
A meta-analysis of the experimental data on phloem transport speed in trees yielded average speeds of 56 cm h-1 for angiosperm trees and 22 cm h-1 for gymnosperm trees. Similar values resulted from theoretical modelling using a simple transport resistance model. Analysis of the model parameters clearly identified sieve element anatomy as the main factor for the significantly slower carbohydrate transport speed inside the phloem in gymnosperm compared to angiosperm trees.
In order to investigate the influence of sieve element anatomy on the hydraulic resistance, anatomical data on sieve elements and sieve pores were collected by transmission electron microscopy analysis and from the literature for 18 tree species. Calculations showed that the hydraulic resistance is significantly higher in the gymnosperm than in angiosperm trees. The higher resistance is only partially offset by the considerably longer sieve elements of gymnosperms.
TidsskriftTree Physiology
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)376-386
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2015

ID: 131165058