Effects of soil drying on photosynthesis and water-use efficiency of quinoa

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskning

Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 2003
BegivenhedInternational conference on water-saving agriculture and sustainable use of water and land resources(ICWSAWLR), Journal of Experimental Botany - Yangling
Varighed: 1 jan. 2003 → …


KonferenceInternational conference on water-saving agriculture and sustainable use of water and land resources(ICWSAWLR), Journal of Experimental Botany
Periode01/01/2003 → …

Bibliografisk note

Kode for udgivelsesland: 'uk' fejlformatteret-volumen '(2003); Vol. 54, i9 No:1-0124' Kode for bibliotekets beholdning: 'modtaget' Ukendte organisationer '\'agsci\', \'agsci-labab\', \'agsci\', \'agsci-labab\', \'agsci\', \'agsci-labab\''
Udgave: 54,

ID: 7871396