Rosanna Catherine Hennessy

Rosanna Catherine Hennessy


  1. 2020
  2. Udgivet

    Serratia inhibens sp. nov., a new antifungal species isolated from potato (Solanum tuberosum)

    Hennessy, Rosanna Catherine, Dichmann, S. I., Martens, Helle Jakobe, Zervas, A. & Stougaard, P., 17 jun. 2020, I: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 70, 7, s. 4204-4211 8 s., 004270.

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  3. Udgivet

    A Multifunctional Polysaccharide Utilization Gene Cluster in Colwellia echini Encodes Enzymes for the Complete Degradation of κ-Carrageenan, ι-Carrageenan, and Hybrid β/κ-Carrageenan

    Christiansen, L., Pathiraja, D., Bech, P. K., Schultz-Johansen, M., Hennessy, Rosanna Catherine, Teze, D., Choi, I. & Stougaard, P., 2020, I: mSphere. 5, 1, 16 s., e00792-19.

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  4. Udgivet

    Discovery of a bacterial gene cluster for deglycosylation of the toxic potato steroidal glycoalkaloids α-chaconine and α-solanine

    Hennessy, Rosanna Catherine, Nielsen, S. D., Greve-Poulsen, M., Larsen, L. B., Bandsholm, O. & Stougaard, P., 2020, I: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68, 5, s. 1390-1396 7 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Fungal-associated molecules induce key genes involved in the biosynthesis of the antifungal secondary metabolites nunamycin and nunapeptin in the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens In5

    Christiansen, L., Alanin, K. W. S., Phippen, C., Olsson, S., Stougaard, P. & Hennessy, Rosanna Catherine, 2020, I: Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 86, 14 s., e01284-20.

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  6. Udgivet

    Integrating bioinformatics in the teaching and redesign of the course Applied Microbiology

    Hennessy, Rosanna Catherine, 2020, Improving University Science Teaching and Learning: Pedagogical Projects 2020. Christiansen, F. V. & Arias, A. A. (red.). Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, Bind 15. s. 147-167 21 s. (Improving University Science Teaching and Learning - Pedagogical Projects, Bind 15).

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