Registration for the Plant Biologicals Network Symposium 2024

The annual Plant Biologicals Network Symposium will be held on the 14th of November as a full-day event in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Abstract submission
Participants from academia and industry are invited to submit abstracts describing original research and new projects. The symposium working group will review and select abstracts for short flash talks during the symposium sessions and/or for the poster session at the symposium.

Deadline for abstract submission is Monday 7 October 2024.

Submit your abstract to Aleksandra Mleczek at 

Exhibition stand
If you would like an exhibition stand at the PBN Symposium 2024 you can read more here.

Participation is free of charge. Registration will be open until Monday 28th October 2024.

Fill in this form to register:

Fields marked with * are required.

The symposium lunch will be vegetarian. Check off below if you wish to select a lunch including meat.
I wish to participate in the reception in the evening of the 14th November. *
I consent to: my name and affiliation being distributed on a participant list to the PBN symposium participants and that photos from the symposium might be used on the PBN website, social media and in other PBN material. *