PhD defence by Laura Dethier

Plant in soil

From Soil to Plant: Exploration of Beneficial Bacteria from a Danish Natural Soil

In nature, plant roots interact with complex microbial communities that perform essential functions for the growth and the health of plants. The root-associated microbiome is assembled from microbes residing in the surrounding soil and is determined by root exudation, plant immunity and microbial interactions. The exploitation of root-associated microbiomes that benefit plant productivity is regarded as a promising solution for sustainable agriculture. However, our understanding of the mechanisms governing the establishment of beneficial root-associated microbes and their underlying effects on plants remains elusive. This thesis is focused on the identification and characterization of beneficial microbes from a Danish natural soil and on the elucidation of their effects on plant growth using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.


Professor Barbara Ann Halkier, PLEN

Deyang Xu, PLEN

Assessment committee

Chair: Mette Haubjerg Nicolaisen, PLEN (Chair)Researcher Opponent 1: Roeland Lucas Berendsen, Utrecht University

Opponent 2: Professor Heribert Hirt, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Time and Venue

14th of June at 13:00

Festauditoriet, A1-01.01